1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog
Name : awa/salwa/mrs awe/sara/sara-li86
Sisters : 5/5 - bongsulah
Brothers : tak de pn – adik/abg angkat ramai la
Shoe size : 8-9
Height : tinggi??165cm je...
Where do you live : mana lagi kalo bukan S.U, SB
Have you ever been on a plane : yeps, dalam mimpi ;p
Swam in the ocean : tak reti berenang…mandi biasa je hukhukhuk!!
Fallen asleep at school : penah, sejak dr form 1 2 3 4 5 lower 6 & upper 6…siap leleh air lio g hahahaha
Broken someone’s heart : ada kot…secara sengaja & tak (yak ampun!)
Fell off your chair : tak penah…
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : zaman jepun dulu ada la…gayut dr malam smp ke pagi…hehehe
Saved e-mails : berlambak smp malas nak baca
What is your room like : janji selesa aku nak tdo…jgn dinding bilik tak dak sudah kang orang skodeng payah plak huhuhu ;p
What’s right beside you: printer & dinding
What is the last thing you ate : rojak & ikan keli goreng
Ever had…
Chicken pox : penah
Sore throat : penah juge
Stitches : tak de 1 jahitan lg d badan aku ini (buat masa ni la)
Broken nose : lom penah lg patah idong (idong bedarah penah arr sbb jatuh pokok)
Do you Believe in love at first sight : yeppy!
Like picnics : suke sangat sbb dapat luang masa ngan family
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with : hubby (malam b4 aku kelik kampung)
Last made you smile : mak & hubby (tadi sebelum g keje)
You last yelled at : anak buah aku…hahaha..aku kan suke amat mengusik derang!
Today did you…
Talk to someone you like : yep!, hari2 aku bercakap
Kissed anyone : of course meh…hubby & mak
Get sick : malam tadi demam…hari ni dah sehat (demam jenis apa aku pn ta tau)
Talk to an ex : penah...
Miss someone : Arwah ayah…mak & mesti la hubby
Who do you really hate: ntah…
Do you like your hand-writing : suke je…buruk2 pon tulisan sendiri jugek
Are your toe nails painted : time kawen je…kai inai
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : mak
What color shirt are you wearing now : baju kurung wone pink bercorak ceklet…
Are you a friendly person : friendly ke aku ni??yg pasti jawapannya adalah ya!
Do you have any pets : dulu ade…tp sekarang dah kene buang…sedey tau..sob sob sob
Do you sleep with the TV on : sumtimez,
What are you doing right now : bole tanya buat apa…sah2 la buat tag! Geget baru tau!kang aku korek idong aku gtau la...cis
Can you handle the truth : sumtimez, sbbnya walaupun kebenaran & kenyataan itu amat susah untuk dihadapi tapi kite perlu terima seadanya dengan hati yang terbuka & minda yang positif.
Are you closer to your mother or father : mesti la mak…kan mak kan??sayang mak sokmo!
Do you eat healthy : tak sangat...tu yg badan leh kembang cmni ;p
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : ada g…tp aku simpan kat kampong la… shhhttt! Jgn bgtau org len.
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : aku akan lepak atas tilam smp la aku zZzZzZzZz…
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : banyak cakap dari dok diam. Tp kadangkala aku perlukan ruang untuk duduk bersendirian. Nak muhasabah diri la katakan…hukhukhuk!!
Are you confident : ya!Kadang tue…tak jugak..hehehe
5 things I was doing 10 years ago :-
1. Aku pelajar darjah 6…baru nak amik UPSR
2. Aku akan pastikan aku dapat 5A UPSR
3. Lagi…aku akan pastikan aku masuk sek asrama penuh tak pon SERATAS
4. Lagi…aku akan menjadi pelajar terbaik & anak yg solehah..aisehh
5. Lagi & Lagi…aku nak sambung study la…
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire :-
1. Nak p Mekkah & melancong – InsyaAllah kalo de rezki
2. Beli hartanah
3. Bukak biznes
4. Bayar hutang2 sekalian
5. Berbakti pada masyarakat
5 of my bad habits :-
1. Malas
2. Suke tdo
3. Makan – bad habit jugakah??
4. Panas baran
5. Main game
5 places I’ve lived/living :-
1. Tg. Piandang
2. Parit Buntar
3. Penang
4. Shah Alam
5. Sg. Buloh
Soalan: Nyatakan 5 kedai yang anda pantang jumpa mesti nak masuk dan beli barang.
1. Food court Jesco Kepong – aku memang suke makan kat cni. Kalo orang tanya pada aku tempat makan yang paling diminati, aku akan pilih utk makan kat cni.
2. Popular/MPH – untuk orang yang suka mentelaah novel ni, mana ke lagi tempat yang nak dituju selain dari toko2 buku terkenal ni.
3. KFC/McD – aku memang suke lepak kat 2 restoran ni. Kadang lepak2 je. Milo ais gelas besar 1 & Apple pie 2 (kuat sungguh makan) hukhukhuk
4. King’s/La Boheme – salah 1 kedai yang menyediakan kek terbaik & sedap. Mai kedai ni beli Portuguese tart, bun & roti je.
5. Kedai kasut, PB – tak ingt nama kedai ni, tp bila aku masuk, aku mesti beli sepasang kasut baru walaupn aku sedang memakai kasut baru. Hehehehe… ;p
Do you think you’re hot ?
~ kadangkala…. Hot kah aku?? Hakhakhak…
Upload your favorite picture of you!
Why do you like that picture?
~ sebabnya, CNY nanti kami akan berkumpul semula dirumah tersebut….hehehe family day lah!
~ kiranya ini adalah mini honeymoon tour kitorg…hakhakhak
~ aku suke environment kat cni…terigt saat2 “berkubang” dalam swimming pool kt ctu! huhuhu
When was the last time you ate pizza ?
~ bila ha?last aku makan pizza hasil buatan kk aku…bulan bapa tak igt! ;p
The last song you listen to?
~ hari – hari aku dengaq lagu…dr pagi smp malam…ringtone hp pn lagu jugak kan?? Last sekali myb alarm hp kot… lagu Disturbia - Rihanna
What are you doing right now besides this ?
~ Buat keje arr…aku tak de la makan gaji buta…hohoho ;p
What name would you prefer besides yours?
~ ntah, kena tnya mk la...cane leh letak "Siti Salwa" nih
People to tag :-
1. sue aleen
2. krsty pinky
3. -
4. -
5. -
Who is number one ?
~ kak aku la….sapa ke lagi?!
Number three is having a relationship with?
~ Unknown/ no body
Say something about number five?
~ Unknown/ no body
How about number four?
~ Unknown/ no body
Who is number two?
~ cousin aku lah…
Anyhow, I’ve never met number 3, 4 & 5 because they are unknown/no body…hahahaha amik kau!!
>> Husna <<
Who was the last guy you talked to?
>> My hubby <<
How do you handle stress?
>> zZZzzZZz/makan/nyanyi/tgk tv/dok diam2 <<
Do you think best friends can be replaced?
>> Nope <<
Who was the last person did u call?
>> my Abang le <<
What does the oldest text message in ur inbox say?
>> Apo eaks? “U may hear nothing from me on how I appreciate u…but beyond our silence…our friendship creates a beautiful sound in my heart – Mehan 16/6/06” <<
What was the last song you sang out loud?
>> Lagu Crush – David Archuleta yang cute mute tue la…tgh mendengar & menyanyi <<
Who was the last person to message you?
>> Abang…”Abg tak balik hari ni, nk servis keta”<<
What time did u go to bed last night?
>> Nak dekat kol 1.30am kot…sebab tgk ‘Kemuncak Sehati Berdansa’…tu pn tgk tak habis…sbbnya tv tgk aku! hehehe <<
What book are you reading recently?
>> Ape ntah…writer NorHayati Berahim<<
Who gives you the best advise?
>> Mom, Hubby & Sista<<
Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
>>tak,??? <<
What was the last thing to make to make you laugh?
>> mengusik adam & mastura/sembang ngan mak & hubby <<
What is the color of your room?
>> puteh…nnt nak tuko boh kale green apple<<
Do you believe in the saying "talk is cheap"?
>> Ye arr…kadangkala orang yang melihat tak tahu bagaimana perasaan orang yang mengalami…apa aku merapu ni?? Lalala… <<
What are you listening to right now?
>> Winamp… T.I ft Rihanna – Live your Life…best woo lagu nie! <<
Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
>> Ada…on call <<
What always makes u smile?
>> teringat kenangan manis & terindah zaman2 bahari dolu2 kala…tgk muka hubby pon aku leh senyum…;p <<
Are you blond?
>> Tak <<
What are you doing after this?
>> Sambung balik buat keje <<
Were you happy when you woke up today?
>> Tak…sbb hubby tak balik lagi…rupanya dia nk g servis keta…huh! <<
Last person you ate with?
>> Husna & Mastura… <<
What were you doing at 8.00 this morning?
>> Baru nak bangun tdo… hehehe ;p <<
What were you doing in last 30 minutes?
>> Buat keje meh! <<
What was something that happened to you in 1998?
>> darjah 6…so, belajaq la…nk bt pa g.. <<
If you were stranded on an island with the person you hated and without food?
>> I will kill her/him….hakhakhak…tak de lah, aku bukan zalim sebegitu ropa… tgk la pulau mana yang aku tersangkut…kalo pulau cm cite Lost tue…boleh agaknya..InsyaAllah…pk kan positip! <<
When someone catches your eyes, do you try to make an eye contact or avoid it?
>> Bergantung pada sapa yang aku pandang. Kalo tengok antoo takkan korang nak main2 mata plak…sah2 la cabutttt..hehehe <<
What color is your comp/laptop?
>> Itam + Puteh <<
What was the last thing you bought?
>> Harian Metro 31/12/08 <<
How do you know when ur in love?
>> Ntah… <<
The person you want to tag to do this thing?
>> Tak terpk nak tag sape2 buat masa nih… <<
berapa kali mao buat ini tag daaaa....
tau tak pa....tu la sebab aku tak boh nama utk dknakn tag...huhuhu...
aku kene tag benda yg sama nih..
kak ela pn dh tag aku..hahah
dah tak de sape2 yang aku senang nak d tag..
actually, utk bahagian aku...ang tak yah buat pn tak pe...aku no hal
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